Sale of factories to TFUND

BackJan 20, 2006

LTF. 019/2006
January 20, 2006

Subject      Sale of factories to TFUND
Attention    The President
             The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Following TICON's Board of Directors' Meeting No. 1/2006
held on January 19, 2006, at 2.30 pm., the Company would like to
announce the Board of Directors' significant resolutions which
might affect investors' decision making as follows:

1.To approve the sale of 44 factories to TICON Property Fund ("TFUND"),
at the total price of Baht 1,800-2,200 million, subject to the success of
fund raising of TFUND.

2.To approve TICON to make additional investment in TFUND,
both via the SET and Right Offering. The ultimate unitholding
will not be less than 20 percent of TFUND's enlarged capital.

The Company will inform the progress of the sale mentioned
above to the investor accordingly.

Please be informed

Yours faithfully

(Miss Lalitphant Phiriyaphant)
Secretary to the Board of Directors