Change in performance of more than 20 percent

BackAug 11, 2006

LT.F 265/2006

August 11, 2006

Subject      Change in performance of more than 20 percent

To      The President
      The Stock Exchange of Thailand

TICON Industrial Connection Public Co., Ltd. ("the Company") submitted
the reviewed financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2006
to the Stock Exchange of Thailand ("SET") on August 11, 2006. The
performance of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the said period
as compared with the same period of last year was as follows:

(Unit : Million Baht)      2006      2005      Change (percent)

Quarter 2

Rental and related service income       143.61      141.24      + 1.68

Sales of properties to tenants       52.00      -      -

Sales of properties to TFUND       1,982.00      1,730.00      + 14.57

Realised additional gain on sales of properties
to TFUND                  66.18      -      -

Net income      654.17      473.63            + 38.12

First Half

Rental and related service income      314.22      302.10      + 4.01

Sales of properties to tenants      71.00      51.96      + 36.64

Sales of properties to TFUND      1,982.00      1,730.00      + 14.57

Realised additional gain on sales of properties
to TFUND                  66.18      -      -

Net income       707.50      563.39      + 25.58

Earnings of the Company and its Subsidiaries for Q2/2006 increased by
Baht 180.54 Million, or 38.12 percent from those of the same period of
2005.The main reasons are as follows:

1.      In Q2/2006, the Company's rental and service income after
sales of properties to TFUND rose 1.68 percent from those of Q 2/2005.
The Company would like to add that during the H1/2006, the area of
leased factories has substantially increased by 28 percent as compared
with the leased area at the end of December 2005.

2.      The Company had Sales of properties to tenants in Q2/2006
whilst it had no such sales in the same period of last year.

3.      In April, 2006, the Company sold 44 factory buildings to
TICON Property Fund (TFUND) which resulted in an increase in sales
of properties to TFUND by 14.57 percent from which of Q2/2005.

4.      The Company had Realised additional gain on sales of properties
to TFUND of Baht 66.18 million resulted       from decrease in holding portion
in TFUND's investment units.

Please be informed accordingly

Yours faithfully,

(Miss Lalitphant Phiriyaphant)
Head of finance