Change in performance of more than 20 percent

BackMay 14, 2008

LTF. 146/2008

May 14, 2008

Subject Change in performance of more than 20 percent

To The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand

TICON Industrial Connection Public Co., Ltd. ( the Company ) announced the reviewed interim financial statements for the period ended March 31, 2008 to the Stock Exchange of Thailand ( SET ) on May 14, 2008. The performance of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the said period as compared with the same period of last year was as follows:

(Unit : Million Baht)
Rental and related service income
Sales of properties to tenant
Sales of properties to TFUND
Net income

Earnings of the Company and its Subsidiaries for Q1/2008 decreased by Baht 30.96 million, or 37.49 percent, from those of the same period of last year. The main reason was that the Company had neither sale of property to tenant nor to TFUND during Q1/2008. However, the Company s rental and related service income,which generated from the Company s main business during Q1/2008 increased by Baht 11.01 million, or 6.58 percent, as compared with the same period of the year 2007.

Please be informed accordingly


Yours faithfully


(Miss Lalitphant Phiriyaphant)
Head of finance

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