Dissemination of the Notice of the 2010 AGM

BackMar 23, 2010

Ref : LT.F 052/2010

March 23, 2010

Subject: Dissemination of the Notice of the 2010 AGM

Attention: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand

In order to provide shareholders with convenience to access information in relation to the agenda and other related information of the 2010 AGM to be held on April 23, 2010 in advance, TICON Industrial Connection Public Company Limited ("the Company") has posted the Notice and relevant documents of the said meeting on the Company's web site, http://ticon.listedcompany.com/meeting.html, since March 23, 2010 onwards.

Yours faithfully,


(Miss Lalitphant Phiriyaphant)
Company Secretary

Finance Department
Telephone number : 02-679-6565
Facsimile number : 02-287-3153

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