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Dec 28, 2018 Notification of Resignation of Director
Dec 28, 2018 Notification of the Progress of Share Transfer of Technology Assets Company Limited (Amended 2)
Dec 21, 2018 Dissemination of the Notice of the 2019 AGM on the Company's website
Dec 19, 2018 Progress of sales and lease of properties to TREIT
Dec 14, 2018 Notification of the Progress of Share Transfer of Technology Assets Company Limited (Amended)
Dec 12, 2018 Reduction and increase of registered capital, capital increase under General Mandate, debenture issuance, the change of the Company's name, and additional agenda items of Y2019 AGM (Revised Template)
Dec 11, 2018 Capital Increase Report Form (F53-4)
Dec 11, 2018 Reduction and increase of registered capital, capital increase under General Mandate, debenture issuance, the change of the Company's name, and additional agenda items of Y2019 AGM
Dec 07, 2018 Notification of the Progress of Share Transfer of Technology Assets Company Limited (Additional Information)
Dec 07, 2018 Notification of the Progress of Share Transfer of Technology Assets Company Limited
Nov 20, 2018 Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3) (Revised)
Nov 20, 2018 Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
Nov 20, 2018 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 30 Sep 2018
Nov 20, 2018 Financial Statement Yearly 2018 (Audited)
Nov 20, 2018 Dividend payment and calling for 2019 AGM
Nov 14, 2018 Report on filing period after the change of fiscal year of the Company
Oct 18, 2018 Notification on the Winning of the Bidding of the Land Auction of the Joint Venture Company
Aug 22, 2018 The Investment by JustCo (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (a joint venture company of the Company)(additional information)
Aug 21, 2018 The Investment by JustCo (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (a joint venture company of the Company)
Aug 10, 2018 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2018
Aug 10, 2018 Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
Aug 10, 2018 Financial Statement Quarter 2/2018 (Reviewed)
Jul 20, 2018 Execution of Joint Venture Agreement to establish a new joint venture company (Addtional Information)
Jul 17, 2018 Use of proceeds from capital increase via private placement
Jul 09, 2018 Execution of Joint Venture Agreement to establish a new joint venture company
Jun 27, 2018 Proposal of the 2019 Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) agenda and Nominee to be elected as Director in advance
Jun 12, 2018 Offering of properties to TREIT (Added info)
Jun 11, 2018 Offering of properties to TREIT
May 17, 2018 Notification on Receipt of the Report on Results of the Tender Offer for Securities of TICON Industrial Connection Public Company Limited (Form 256-2)
May 14, 2018 Reviewed Quarter 1 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3) (revised)
May 11, 2018 The entering into a connected transaction in the category of rental or lease of immovable property of not exceeding 3 years
May 11, 2018 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2018
May 11, 2018 Reviewed Quarter 1 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
May 11, 2018 Financial Statement Quarter 1/2018 (Reviewed)
May 11, 2018 Amendment to the Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer
May 11, 2018 Amendment to the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2 Amendment)
May 09, 2018 Notification on Receipt of the Report on the Preliminary Results of the Tender Offer for Securities of TICON Industrial Connection Public Company Limited (Form 247-6-Khor)
May 04, 2018 The Establishment of New Subsidiary
Apr 27, 2018 Submission of the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) and Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer(Part 5/5)
Apr 27, 2018 Submission of the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) and Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer(Part 4/5)
Apr 27, 2018 Submission of the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) and Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer(Part 3/5)
Apr 27, 2018 Submission of the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) and Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer(Part 2/5)
Apr 27, 2018 Submission of the Opinion of the Company on the Tender Offer (Form 250-2) and Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on the Tender Offer(Part 1/5)
Apr 25, 2018 Notification on Receipt of the Amendment to the Tender Offer (Form 247-4 amendment)
Apr 10, 2018 Dissemination of Minutes of the 2018 Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Apr 05, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Amended Announcement of Intention to Make a Tender Offer (Form 247-3)
Apr 05, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 2/6) (Revised Template)
Apr 04, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 6/6)
Apr 04, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 5/6)
Apr 04, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 4/6)
Apr 04, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 3/6)
Apr 04, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 2/6)
Apr 04, 2018 Notification on Receipt of Tender Offer (Form 247-4) (Part 1/6)
Apr 04, 2018 The Establishment of a Subsidiary for the Joint Venture and the Entering into a Connected Transaction (Revise)
Apr 04, 2018 The Establishment of a Subsidiary for the Joint Venture and the Entering into a Connected Transaction
Apr 02, 2018 Notification of the change of major shareholders
Apr 02, 2018 Resignation of the Chief Executive Officer
Mar 28, 2018 Additional clarification of Tender Offeror
Mar 27, 2018 Resolutions of the 2018 Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Mar 27, 2018 Notification on Receipt of the Announcement of Intention to Make a Tender Offer Form (Form 247-3) (Revise PDF file)
Mar 27, 2018 Notification on Receipt of the Announcement of Intention to Make a Tender Offer Form (Form 247-3) (Revise Template)
Mar 26, 2018 Notification on Receipt of the Announcement of Intention to Make a Tender Offer Form (Form 247-3)
Mar 14, 2018 The Issuance of Debentures of TICON Industrial Connection Public Co., Ltd.
Feb 28, 2018 Dissemination of the Notice of the 2018 AGM on the Company's website
Feb 20, 2018 Dividend payment, issuance debentures and calling for 2018 AGM (Revised 3)
Feb 20, 2018 Dividend payment and calling for 2018 AGM (Revised 2)
Feb 20, 2018 Dividend payment and calling for 2018 AGM (Revised 1)
Feb 19, 2018 Financial Statement Yearly 2017 (Audited) (Revised Headline)
Feb 19, 2018 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2017
Feb 19, 2018 Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
Feb 19, 2018 Financial Statement Yearly 2018 (Audited)
Feb 19, 2018 Dividend payment and calling for 2018 AGM
Feb 09, 2018 Notice of the Entering into of a Share Sale Transaction by a Major Shareholder (Add info)
Feb 09, 2018 Notice of the Entering into of a Share Sale Transaction by a Major Shareholder
Jan 30, 2018 Use of proceeds from capital increase via private placement
Jan 30, 2018 Clarification of news or information requested by SET
Jan 30, 2018 Clarification of news or information requested by SET